ENTERTAINMENT (5:30pm-10:30 pm on Balcony of 39 Queen St)- Come out this Friday for an epic street performance! The lads will be playing on balcony at 39 Queen St. East. Hespeler - Sponsored by Harrison Real Estate and Hespeler Village BIA - featuring local Hespeler resident Alex Harrison on guitar!
It's going to be a great time!
KIDS ENTERTAINMENT (3pm - 5pm in Kids Zone) - We are buzzing with excitement that this Friday the Hespeler Idea Exchange will be in the Kid’s Zone for the first of eight weeks of spectacular programming. Bring your kids to this week’s market for some rock painting—rocks courtesy of Alexandra’s Farm—as well as to sign them up for the TD Summer Reading Program. They rock, you rock, we all rock!
Welcome Hespeler Idea Exchange!
COMMUNITY GROUP - Did you know that Garden Hespeler takes care of the garden on Bergey Hill? You can talk to the group about this garden and their meetings on the third Monday of the month—where they have guest speakers, do garden art workshops, and exchange plants/seeds—when you visit the community booth this Friday at the market. Come learn about their long history in Hespeler.
Welcome Garden Hespeler!
NEW VENDORS THIS WEEK - Check out the VENDOR MAP to see who will be attending this week!